Install Chisimba – Ubuntu / Windows / Cloud

Howto Install Pear on Ubuntu LAMP environment;

cd /opt/lampp/bin

root@xyz:/opt/lampp/bin#/opt/lampp/bin/pear install –alldeps MDB2

note: You will replace the package based on need (i.e. MDB2)

Pear Path to provide during the chisimba installation /opt/lampp/lib/php

How to SVN on UBUNTU


Bug When Installing on Hosting Package n Solution

Installer not picking up the PEAR location set earlier in the installer process. (on hosting package)


This error comes when you are installing on a hosting package (cpanel)

Warning: DbHandler::require_once(MDB2.php)
[function.DbHandler-require-once]: failed to open stream: No
such file or directory in /home/dkeatsco/public_html/installer/dbhandlers/
on line 99
Fatal error: DbHandler::require_once() [function.require]:
Failed opening required
‘MDB2.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’)in /home/dkeatsco/public_html/installer/dbhandlers/
on line 99
It is not picking up the PEAR location that I set earlier in the
installer process.
Additional Information

Suggested temporary solution

edit the following

and add the following line at the begining of the code

ini_set(‘include_path’, ini_get(‘include_path’).’:/home/username/php/’);
where username is your directory


If running the latest version of xampp,this process is straightforward

just follow these steps, (move to where your php is located and proceed)

set the proxy, if using a proxy,

C:\xampp\php>pear config-set http_proxy <some proxy>

update the channels
C:\xampp\php>pear update-channels

then upgrade pear(this may take a while)

C:\xampp\php>pear upgrade-all

then you can install the following if you are installing chisimba (or install other dependencies from this point)

Set to beta only if requested

C:\xampp\php>pear config-set preferred_state beta

C:\xampp\php>pear install pear/PEAR#webinstaller

C:\xampp\php>pear install pear/PEAR#gtkinstaller

C:\xampp\php>pear install pear/PEAR#gtk2installer

C:\xampp\php>pear install Config

C:\xampp\php>pear install Log

Set back to stable if you had changed

C:\xampp\php>pear config-set preferred_state stable

Proceed with installations and can switch back and forth from stable to beta as requested

C:\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps PEAR

C:\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps MDB2-2.5.0b2

Then install the additional features it advices, for instance

C:\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps MDB2_Schema-0.8.5

C:\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps I18Nv2

C:\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps Translation2

C:\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps MDB2_Driver_mysql-1.5.0b2

C:\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps MDB2_Driver_mysqli-1.5.0b2

C:\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps MDB2_Driver_pgsql-1.5.0b2


Note: PEAR PATH for chisimba in my case is C:\xampp\php\PEAR

The longer route (If running a bit old apache, PEAR and php)

Change path to where ur php is, for me I do (I will use this for this illustration),

C:\>cd program files\xampp\php\

Caution if u are behind a proxy, you get this error

PEAR_Remote::call: fsockopen(`’, 80) failed

Try this to view what is configured already

C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear config-show

Then set the proxy

C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear config-set http_proxy <some proxy>

C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear update-channels

C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear upgrade-all

C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps -f MDB2-2.5.0b2


C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear config-set preferred_state beta

C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps MDB2_Schema-0.8.5

C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps I18Nv2

C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps Translation2

C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps MDB2_Driver_mysqli-1.5.0b2

C:\Program Files\xampp\php>pear install –alldeps MDB2_Driver_pgsql-1.5.0b2

Checkout / Download Chisimba on windows with SVN (4 steps)

1. Install Tortoise svn (get the installation file provided or from site

2. Open your htdocs folder
a. open http:localhost/xampp/
c. open that folder i.e. C:\xampp\htdocs

3. create a folder called chisimba

4. right click and choose ‘Checkout’
a. On ‘URL of repository:’ add this url

b. ‘Checkout Directory’ remains as is, note its the one u created including \app at the end

c. click ok and wait till it completes

5. Now you have the chisimba framework, and we can proceed with installation on next lesson.

Once installed, you will find a folder called packages in the chisimba folder you created, this is where we checkout / download the modules. Just repeat step 4 and replace the url with this one

Then go to module catalogue and “Update Catalogue”

Thank you.

HOWTO install a Chisimba site on a hosting plan


When using serv, I use the S1 plan (cheapest one), but this will work for all of their plans equally well

1. Do a checkout or download Chisimba from

2. GZip and Tar or Zip up the code and upload it to your domain via the cPanel File Manager.

3. Extract the code to your domain/subdomain

4. Click back to your cPanel main interface and click on the PEAR manager (PHP Pear Packages icon)

5. Take note of the path that is then provided (you will need this just now). It will look like /home/yourdomain/php

6. Start installing the necessary PEAR packages:
6.1 MDB2-2.5.0b2
6.2 MDB2_Driver_MySQL-1.5.0b2
6.3 MDB2_Driver_MySQLi-1.5.0b2
6.4 MDB2_Schema-0.8.2 (sometimes you may need to get the required dependencies by attempting to install mdb2_schema-beta first)
6.5 Config
6.6 Log

7. Go back to the cPanel home page by clicking the little house icon on top left.

8. Your uploaded code should all be extracted now and ready to go, but first check that the permissions are correct. All files and folders should be 755! NOTE: It is probably a MUCH better idea to do a chmod -R 755 /path/to/your/downloaded/chisimba/files/ first. That way everything should be peachy on the server already! If all is OK, then go back to the main cPanel page, but DO NOT CLOSE your filemanager, you will need it just now!

9. Next step is to prepare a database for the install to use:
8.1 On the cPanel front page, go to the databases section and click on MySQL Databases icon
8.2 Create a database. Call it whatever you like, I will call mine chisimba
8.3 Click Go Back and add a user to your new database. Create the user and give a password.
8.4 Add the user to the database and assign all rights to the user.

10. You now need to edit 4 files. Go back to your file manager window and edit installer/dbhandlers/

11. Add the following line to the top of the file: ini_set(“include_path”, ini_get(“include_path”).”:/home/servuser/php”); Where the /home/servuser/php part is the bit you got in step 5

12. Do the same for in the same directory, index.php in the installer directory and then for engine_class_inc.php in /classes/core/ too.

13. OK, you are now ready to start the installation. Open up another browser window and navigate to your new domain. It will automatically redirect to the installer and start it.

14. Accept the license and work through the wizard. When you get to the PEAR bits, enter the pear path that you saved from step 5.

15. Carry on with the install. Fill in your database details with the username and password you created. Remember that your serv username is appended to the db username, so it will be servuser_username

16. Fill in your database name (will also be appended with the servusername_). Check the create database checkbox. Click next.

17. Complete the rest of the installer and log in to your new install.

  1. May 6, 2009 at 8:32 AM

    Whoow Paul keep up the good work.This is nice plus helpful

  2. allen matari
    February 5, 2010 at 10:03 PM

    hI, Paul,
    i have been cracking my head on this installation of chisimba on ubuntu. I get the same error as you have explained above, but when i edit the 3 files :

    i keep on getting more errors.. saying
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’ in /var/www/chisimba/installer/index.php on line 3

    Am having a nerve wreck now, its been 2 days am trying to get over this problem.
    Thanks for you response.

    allen m

    • February 6, 2010 at 6:15 PM

      Hi Allen,
      Today, I successfully installed chisimba on serv hosting plan ( ).

      However I did not edit the three files and all worked perfect.

      a) Ensure that there are no errors like space before the newly added lines, the new lines of code have proper syntax (ensure that php line is properly ended — include ; and no space after that)

      b) If (a) fails, do a fresh install without editing the files (Assumption, the bug causing this has already been fixed)

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